Using credits cards as a form of passive income is a fantastic idea. It requires no required upfront costs with fantastic benefits that reap benefits throughout your everyday life. From my Chase Ultimate Rewards points, I’ve been able to take trips to Macchu Picchu and places around the world. I like to use credit card churning to build a huge travel rewards portfolio. I complement my credit card churning with credit card manufactured spending, which allows me to travel the world for virtually no cost. In my opinion, credit card churning qualifies for passive income as you pair it with credit card manufactured spending you can earn more money than it costs to do the manufactured spending. I will highlight the best credit cards to churn. Continue Reading
Churning is a very interesting way of traveling around the world at the minimum cost or no cost. It simply means signing up for a credit card which will offer you travel rewards, points, cash back and miles. Instead of opening the account forever, you should close them after you have achieved the bonus offers and perhaps other incentives. Credit card churning is one of my favorite ways to earn extra income without working more. Let’s get into our credit card churning guide to learn more.
You get to save money from various trips you would have taken otherwise. Or, if you are like me and love travel photography. I get to travel the world and participate in my hobby. There are significant opportunities to participate in churning while also conducting manufactured spending. Manufactured spending is the idea of generating cash from your credit card spend to then pay off your balance. This leads to significant points generation.
It does not come without risks. However, with careful planning, you can travel the world almost free. Here are some ways to use churning to travel around the world. Continue Reading
Through travel hacking, I was able to stay at the Hyosekikaku & Nest Inn onsen in Hakone. This was one of the best onsen experiences I’ve ever had. Here is everything you need to know through our Hyosekikaku review. Continue Reading
A trip to Japan is a must do for any avid traveler. Here are our favorite Japan travel hacks to help you save time, money and have a better experience. Continue Reading
Reddit churning has long been followed as a great community for credit card churning and manufactured spending. Read how to use Reddit churning to step up your travel hacking game. Continue Reading
The Minneapolis riverwalk is a scenic sprawling landscape along the Mississippi River offering some fantastic dining, activity and nightlife options. The hardest part of determining your path along the Minneapolis riverwalk since it has so much to offer. Let’s dive into the top 10 things to do along the Minneapolis riverwalk. Continue Reading
Traveling hacking appears to be all the rage these days. Everyone seems to want to talk about travel hacking, but doesn’t necessary know what it truly means. To me, travel hacking is much more than credit card churning and/or manufactured spending. Travel hacking is getting the most out of your vacation for as little as possible. Why not build a live of all of the very best travel hacks to save you money and create an outstanding travel experience. Let’s get down to the best ways to participate in travel hacking without credit cards. Continue Reading
I was excited to book my trip to Laguna Niguel. I’ve been there several times and it’s a great experience, but then I had the opportunity to stay at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel. Now that is a great way to spend some time in Laguna. Let us provide you with a Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel review.
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Everyone loves traveling of course. But most of us are always visiting only popular places that everyone has heard of. Why not try out beautiful places that are gorgeous and hard to believe they exist? Yes, such unbelievably gorgeous places have the sights that leave people breathless. These are the 10 most beautiful places in the world that actually exist. Continue Reading
The Chase Freedom card is one my favorite cash back rewards credit cards. The Chase 5% quarterly cash back makes this credit card highly desirable for any churner. In the following post, we will break down what the Chase Freedom card is and how to earn additional income with manufactured spending. Continue Reading