Our dividend portfolio infographic will help you invest in dividend stocks at the most optimal level. Investing isn’t always fun, but our infographic will hopefully help you get started with dividend growth investing. Continue Reading
Screening for dividend stocks is a systematic process. You need to be able to use the right criteria to narrow your list of stocks to invest in. Our how to screen undervalued dividend stocks infographic can serve as a placeholder for you to effectively find the best stock to invest in. Continue Reading
After reviewing the many opportunities out there and my goal of living off dividends forever, I became intrigued with how I can help others achieve their goals too. This led me to create a free downloadable dividend calculator model to help you achieve goals similar to mine. Continue Reading
I currently use Robinhood for my dividend growth portfolio. Building a dividend portfolio is easy through Robinhood brokerage as they offer commission-free trading on all stock purchases and sells. In addition, Robinhood now has commission-free options trading, which can be a great tool for risk mitigation. I will continue to update you on my Robinhood dividend income stock portfolio, so you can follow along. Continue Reading
How do you know that you are earning enough income to ensure that you can retire? I’m not even considering how to retire early. How do you know that you have enough income to just flat out retire? I’ll highlight one way that allows for you to capture both your retirement AND your income goals. Living off dividends is more realistic than you think. Continue Reading
Using a covered call strategy can be an effective way to boost your monthly income on your dividend growth stocks. It is a relatively safe way to earn additional income on your investments while protecting potential downside risk. Let’s dig into the best stocks for covered call writing.
To create a successful investment portfolio, you need to analyze and understand the market trends. There are many investment and wealth management tools and apps that you can use such as the FINVIZ, Robinhood dividend app, Personal Capital, and Vanguard, among others. The FINVIZ futures bar can help you make actionable decisions on your investment allocations. Continue Reading
We have been using the Robinhood app build a dividend portfolio that we hope to replace our current income over time. We are tracking the monthly progress of our dividend growth portfolio and continually reinvest our proceeds from our passive income streams. However, a number of people have had continuous questions regarding how Robinhood dividends work and what to expect. Let’s break it down. Continue Reading
I use FINVIZ for all my investment screeners whether I am searching for dividend growth stocks or retirement account investments. You can use a stock screener to find a new investment or build an entire portfolio from scratch. Before you set up a screener ensure you have a well-thought out strategy of what type of investing fits you best. Here is how to use FINVIZ stock screener effectively!