Due to the differences in age and often income, millennials need to plan for retirement in a different way than older generations. Millennials are often early in their careers and may sometimes choose to focus on career growth and neglect retirement. Here are the top 5 millennial retirement strategies to build your path to financial freedom. Continue Reading
Being in your twenties is hard. And as a millennial, you’ve found yourself in this quagmire, which is a period you had thought you would enjoy but has ended up being a financial headache. It’s as if a quarter-life crisis has hit you. I’ve been there. You’re not sure who your true friends are, you’re not sure if the job you’re already at is the career path you’d like to continue it, and you’re definitely not sure if you’ll ever get rid of all that debt you’ve collected as you graduated from college! As a fellow ‘educated and experienced’ Millennial, here are several ways to make extra money.
When it comes to financials, there are multiple methods of income generation to get you on the way to financial freedom. You can focus on your career and/or passive income to ensure financial success. You can be on a beach sipping margaritas in no time.
Swipe a card, and pay it later. America’s youngest generation, colloquially known to elder generations as the “millennials”, are the latest waves of people to enter the workforce. With a busier lifestyle ahead, many financial experts worry that younger generations of people have no idea how to use or to build credit.
Many experts have noted that younger people not only have different perceptions of credit, but also use it differently than previous generations. Being young is not the problem. The problem is a lack of awareness surrounding the credit building and reporting. Don’t miss out on the very best credit building advice for millennials.
In our fourth interview series, I conducted a Personal Finance Interview with Money Journey Today. We will hit on a number of topics including debt reduction, passive income, personal finance influences and more. You can find the link to the others at the end of the interview. Let’s get into our financial freedom plan interview. Continue Reading
In our third series of interviews, I conducted a Personal Finance Interview with Well Kept Wallet. Well Kept Wallet has been a bookmarked page of mine for quite some time. I had the opportunity to ask Deacon a few questions about Well Kept Wallet and his thoughts on personal finance, passive income and more. This is the third guest interview for Millionaire Mob and you can find the link to the others at the end of the interview. Let’s get into our early retirement interview with Deacon of Well Kept Wallet.
I was ecstatic to hear that Jim at The White Coat Investor was available to do a guest interview in our second part of our Millionaire Mob guest interviews. In our first session, I interviewed Gwen of Fiery Millennials. Physicians seeking personal finance advice is an interesting one. They often have student loans from the long draining med school years, but at the same time make great money once they are full-time employed doctors. Asset allocation discipline is very important for doctors. They often have large amounts of money (and friends/family know it), which can suck them into poor investment decisions. Learn more about the personal finance habits of doctors in our personal finance guest interview with The White Coat Investor. Continue Reading
Debt is one thing which you don’t like to keep for long. It is always better to have a debt-free life to obtain financial freedom. I will highlight the two methods to get rid of debt in 18 months or less. We believe this is the best way to clear debt fast. By reducing your debt, you no longer have the burden of additional expenses that you pay someone else’s investment return on capital. Continue Reading