Churning is a very interesting way of traveling around the world at the minimum cost or no cost. It simply means signing up for a credit card which will offer you travel rewards, points, cash back and miles. Instead of opening the account forever, you should close them after you have achieved the bonus offers and perhaps other incentives. Credit card churning is one of my favorite ways to earn extra income without working more. Let’s get into our credit card churning guide to learn more.
You get to save money from various trips you would have taken otherwise. Or, if you are like me and love travel photography. I get to travel the world and participate in my hobby. There are significant opportunities to participate in churning while also conducting manufactured spending. Manufactured spending is the idea of generating cash from your credit card spend to then pay off your balance. This leads to significant points generation.
It does not come without risks. However, with careful planning, you can travel the world almost free. Here are some ways to use churning to travel around the world. Continue Reading